M44 Heer & SS EM Brown wool tunic Feldbluse

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Item news update: 2021. May. 20 - M44 Heer & SS EM Brown wool tunic Feldbluse





CLICK HERE TO BUY the M44 heer Tunic, or the M44 SS Tunic.


M-1944 Field Uniform: the last regulation uniform to be introduced was the M-1944 Field Uniform (felduniform 44). The necessities to save material and skilled labor as the war progressed led to considerations of a more simplified uniform. The first prototype uniforms were issued for extensive field evaluation as early as the summer of 1943 the final decision was made in early 1944 by Hitler himself, and the new uniform was finally introduced by an order (HM 44, No. 603) dated 25 September 1944. The new uniform bore the designation “field uniform M-1944.” Not restricted to army wear, it was also adopted for wear by the navy (except sea-borne units), field divisions of the air force, and by the Waffen-SS as indicated by an order dated 10 October 1944 (MV 44, No. 578).


Although intended as the standard field dress for all ground forces, and designed for economical and easy production, it was never produced in sufficient quantities to cause a radical change in the appearance of the German soldier. Beginning in late 1944, issue was primarily to newly constituted units. Instead of completely refitting the German Army with the new uniform, during the last months of the war, units displayed and odd mixture of all adopted models of uniform garments.


Existing stocks of field blouses, long trousers, and belted trousers were issued until the stocks were exhausted. The preference of issue of the new uniform was in the following order: armored infantry (Panergrenadiere), infantry engineer units (Infanteriepioniere), other fighting units. The new uniform was not intended to replace the black armor-pattern uniform.


The new uniform was considerably different in cut and color from the hitherto adopted uniforms. The grey-brown collor was termed “olive brown” during the evaluation phase, and finally given the official designation “field grey M-1944” (Feldgrau 44). Cloth of other colors that were among existing stocks was obviously untilized. A drill Uniform Of the same cut was officially introduced, but never placed into production.



<uniform & traditions of the german army 1933-1945  by John R. Angolia & Adolf Schlicht>