WWII German Kriegsmarine General Officer Navy Blue Gabardine Frock Coat

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Item news update: 2023 Jun.18 WWII German Kriegsmarine General Officer Navy Blue Gabardine Frock Coat







frock coat




Frock Coat: Officers, warrant officers and senior officer candidates wore the frock coat with certain forms of dress. It was always worn with the stiff pointed collars and black bow tie. By order (OTB 39, No.216 V) dated 6 September 1939 the frock coat was replaced by the reefer jacket at all occasions, and further procurement of the frock coat was prohibited.

The double-breasted frock coat was made of high quality navy blue cloth. It consisted of the body part and skirts, which were connected by a waist seam. Its length reached just below the knees. The body part was cut of two front panels with lapels, two side panels and two rear full length panels--all connected by seams on the shoulders and at the sides. The rear seams (connecting side panels with the rear panels and back part proper) were a center seam and two curved seams from the center of the sleeve and running on a curved vertical down to the waist seam.


<uniform & traditions of the Kriegsmarine by John R. Angolia & Adolf Schlicht>