The black uniform of the Nazi German panzers, besides its handsome appearance, has this effect!

Write By: administratorPublished In: german_uniformsCreated Date: 2020-05-27Hits:29Comment:0

Although Germany invaded other countries and massacred Jews in World War II, it committed unforgivable crimes against humanity and peace. But objectively speaking, the German uniforms during World War II were very good. For example, the armored soldiers loved the black main tone. Why did they like to use this tone?



World War II German Panzer


First of all, the military uniform with the main color of black exudes a noble atmosphere, which embodies the masculinity of men incisively and vividly. It is also one of the military uniforms that looks very handsome. Of course, as far as uniform is concerned, the German troops in World War II have their own characteristics, but on the whole, they are permeated with rigorous and noble atmosphere.


The armor was black, and the uniform of the national defense forces at that time was exactly grey green, and the armed party and the guard was the black uniform. Because the German panzers in World War I were black and the troops were very traditional, the tank soldiers of Nazi Germany continued.



World War II German tanks


Therefore, in 1932, when the German defense forces chief of aircraft movement specially designed uniforms for mechanized forces, he chose a set of unique black combat clothing: special uniforms for mobile forces. In November 1934, the German national defense forces issued a decree to determine the improved special uniform for mobile forces as the special uniform for armored forces.


At that time, this kind of uniform was called 1934 type uniform, which was made of black cloth and consisted of field jacket and field trousers. This kind of uniform is not only handsome, but also practical. No pockets or buttons can be seen on the surface of the uniform to prevent it from being scratched by the parts on the vehicle. Moreover, the black clothing keeps the armored soldiers who often rub against the oil stain clean at least in appearance.



German soldiers in dark uniforms


The armed SS system was originally a black uniform. Later, because the SS infantry needed to go to the front line of the battlefield, they also made some light treatment for the color of the uniform, not pure black. But the SS panzers still use black uniforms, but their ranks and styles are different from those of the national defense forces.


Of course, in addition to the tank soldiers, the German sailors are also a kind of dark blue uniform. As for the German armored forces in World War II, in addition to all kinds of chariots that grab people's attention, this black uniform can best reflect its characteristics and fighting will, and it is also the unique "armored special uniform" in the world.

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