Bright and blind, the German army's handsome military uniform in World War II, which is popular in Taobao

Write By: administratorPublished In: german_uniformsCreated Date: 2020-05-03Hits:46Comment:0

This kind of wild aloofness, constructed by reason as the skeleton, is full of light instead of the dark beauty of fierce black power.


Hitler was not only an ambitious warfighter, but also an artist. As we all know, before he became the devil of the earth, Ashi got a red light in the door, only painting was the best. Although he was defeated in the Vienna Art Institute, it did not affect his belief that he was the one who would influence the world one day. Yes, he influenced, in his unique crazy way. Some people practice their hatred, some admire their service, but let's look at Hitler, one of the most influential leaders in history, with reason and objectivity, and leave behind the world's products other than war and pain, such as the German military uniform praised so far.


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Bright blind, World War II German handsome military uniform, after Taobao any clothes


In the early days of World War II, the German military uniform was of high quality in design and production, with various styles. The level of sophistication and thoughtfulness of paratroopers' clothing will be amazing even now. The knee length paratroopers' shorts are still very popular until now; various camouflage clothes have also appeared in the German army. At that time, the German army had a wide area of operation, from the desert in North Africa to the forest in Norway, all of which were distributed with German combat forces. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that there were many kinds of uniforms needed. The gray field uniforms of the national defense forces (WH), the blue uniforms of the air force (WL), and the SS, plus more than 60 kinds of camouflage clothing changes, the most famous of which are the full black uniforms worn during the wh parade and the oak leaf camouflage suits of SS. The former is highly male, while the latter is very flexible, which has been regarded as a model of military uniform design for decades. In terms of material, the materials are not expensive. Linen cloth and cotton are all available, but the workmanship is strict. Compared with the excellent military uniforms of the same era, the French military uniforms are luxurious and elegant, which is not conducive to combat. The Italian military uniforms are lazy and lack of military discipline. Bright blind, World War II German handsome military uniform, after Taobao any clothes


Hitler himself described himself as the direct descendant of the ancient Roman elites, "inheriting the tradition that ancient Rome attached great importance to the military appearance", paying great attention to the military appearance, and spare no effort to integrate considerable aesthetic elements into the design of military uniform, He believed in the influence of art on political and military effects, and placed art and politics in the interrelationship. He believed that "politics expresses itself in art, and art in turn promotes and strengthens state power". He used ideology and art to promote politics. Imagine an army full of powerful forces and dressed in black and oppressive clothes. It seems that dark clouds are about to bring lightning and storm, which is enough to overwhelm each other's psychology.


The uniform of the SS thoroughly expresses the rigorous, intelligent, logical and calm temperament of the Germans. "The SS has strict discipline, iron will, tenacious fighting spirit, ruthless style and a trace of mysticism.".


The dark breath in the elegant and rigorous military uniform fuses the complex aura, the power of ambition and a breath of red burn in the whole low-key dark color; the cold hawk and the charm like swastika sign are the elegant demons talking about Pluto's destructive power - the next second is about to devour the sun.


Bright blind, World War II German handsome military uniform, after Taobao any clothes


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The refinement of details determines the latitude of temperament. The wild and arrogant nature constructed by reason is full of light instead of the dark beauty of fierce black power. The German military uniform satisfies men's and women's fantasies about men's physical signs of strength - to see the elegant but cold devil gentlemen, to obey the military's preciseness, to reason with cold logic, and to yearn for supreme power.

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